Sunday, April 20, 2008

The Pirates on TV: Friend or Foe?

I often complain about the lack of televised Pirate games. I always find someone to blame for there being usually no more than a dozen games in a given season that I can watch out here in California. I could blame the 'liberal media', or maybe the conservative corporations that own said media and make a hefty profit off of them. Sorry, wrong rant. Anyway, perhaps I should be thankful that more Pirates games are not televised.

Today I watched my third Pirates game of the year, all against the Cubs. All three games were won by the Cubs, by a combined score of 26 to 16. Not exactly a number that paints our pitching staff in a favorable light. I don't have the stats in front of me, but I'm pretty sure the Pirates have won fewer than 40 percent of their games that I've been fortunate (fortunate?) enough to watch. This also applies to games I've attended (though they did have an impressive come-from-behind win at San Francisco last year that I witnessed). The common baseball fan might be saying to themselves, "40%? Why golly, that sounds pretty good for the Pirates." Well, allow me to correct you: since I became a fan in 1988, the Pirates have won fewer than 40% of their games just once, 38.3% in 2001. In fact, their combined winning percentage since then is 46.8%. Who's laughing now, cynics?

Anyway, my point is that it is probably much easier on my heart and mind and soul if I just read about the Pirate's losses online. I'm less invested in each game that way. Each of these three games this year began with Nate McLouth reaching base by hit or walk. So I'm immediately excited and optimistic. Shortly after, each time, McLouth was out on the basepaths, once on a fielder's choice, the other two on pickoffs. I should take those first inning gaffes as a sign to lower my expectations for the rest of the game. But sadly I never do.


GldnSt8Warrior said...

A chance to spend some of those Basketball winnings?

AJ said...

It's tempting. Very tempting. But I'm afraid if I watch the rest of the games, the Pirates will go 7-155.
